Welcome to My Website. I studied engineering but later became a journalist, who then "rewarded" me with a Master's degree in Finance & Accounting ... but in the last 10 years, I trained and shared COMMUNICATION skills - not about money, or building materials. I fell in love with this knowledge, then deepened it scientifically as a Master in Communication Science. Now, I teach from Interpersonal, Self-Concept, Creative Writing, Family Communication to Media Handling Skills in corporations, government, and campus. That is ... my life is full of surprises and unusual dynamics.To know more about me, please follow my FB&IG at Feby.Siahaan

The world's new god

In a world like this how can you stay focus?

How can you stay in silent when there are tens to hundreds of people are in a "conference" with you?

You are 24 hours in a "chat room" in a "meeting room".

The world has LOST what is used to known as "ALONE"

-- You are CONNECTED, 24/7 ONLINE -

SIGNAL has  steal our essence of SELF.

The air we breath in is filled with digital code: 0 & 1.  

The world has forget that MAN was created with three essences: man of self, man of social and man of God * Mahluk Pribadi, Mahluk Sosial dan Mahluk Tuhan*.

When The Good Lord appears to Moses in a burning bush, God asked him "what is in your hand?" --  "A Staff," Moses replied. Later, this staff become the sign of God's power and assistance.

I wonder if someday we die and God deliver the same question, "what is in your hand?"

should we answer, "a mobile phone"? 

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