Welcome to My Website. I studied engineering but later became a journalist, who then "rewarded" me with a Master's degree in Finance & Accounting ... but in the last 10 years, I trained and shared COMMUNICATION skills - not about money, or building materials. I fell in love with this knowledge, then deepened it scientifically as a Master in Communication Science. Now, I teach from Interpersonal, Self-Concept, Creative Writing, Family Communication to Media Handling Skills in corporations, government, and campus. That is ... my life is full of surprises and unusual dynamics.To know more about me, please follow my FB&IG at Feby.Siahaan

Journalism (TIDAK) Akan Mati

DUA GRADUATION, dalam rentang 3 hari.
Pertama Program tuk Wartawan Perbankan, kedua tuk Wartawan Kesehatan.
I probably one of few people that still believe in The Power of (mainstream) Media....walau manusia jaman now lebih akrab dengan Social Media tuk cari/dapat informasi. .
Journalism itu lahir lewat sebuah proses panjang, teruji ratusan tahun dan mengalami  serangkaian proses observasi, validasi sebelum akhirnya melahirkan Teori teori Reporting, News Gathering dan Writing. Walau marak, Social Media tetap pendatang baru dan tak (belum) jelas manfaatnya bagi peradaban manusia modern.....selain menjadi elemen dari sebuah disrupsi yang bikin pening.
So, semangat terus....wahai Pengabdi Liputan 👍🍷

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